Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Mon Monde Idyllique....

The silence of the night
Speaks to me
In that voice, so familiar...
The smile of the shining moon
A penetration into my dreamy trance...
The glistening of the stars
Bringing out the light in those eyes...
Those eyes, their mystifying depth
Like a hidden message
Yet to be deciphered....
Shaking off the subconscious in vain
I drown myself into the ocean of darkness...
Bathing in the coolness of the breeze
Yet a tender warmth engulfs me
The embers of emotions rekindled...
I emerge out of fantasies
Yet desires soar
Like a caged bird
Released after an eternity
Eager to spread its wings
To master its own life...
I stare at my reflection
Yet its not me that I see
I try to blink away my imagination
Yet there lies a craving
A craving for another glance...
As the image dissolves into nothingness...
As the night falls into its peaceful slumber...
As the breeze brushes past my soul...
I smile at myself
As the innocent, childish laughter
Rings in my ears again...
I continue to dwell, in my idyllic world....

1 comment:

Ritayan said...

the whisperings of the silent night...it troubles us all and yet you present a beautiful picture of it as if you have come to terms with this but it disturbs yet we feel lonely without it...guess ia m not making sense bt i am overwhelmed carry on....