Friday, May 1, 2009

Wishes In Whispers......

When the Sun lets out
Its last warm breaths,
And brings to an end,
Its daytime reign......
I feel around me,
The wreath of your arms......
As we smile at the day......
Walking down the last lane........

As the night dances in,
The stage with its far off shimmers.....
The moon sprinkles
Her silent chuckles.......
As I float around,
With my arms spread wide......
Listening to the breeze
That brings me your secrets......

When they immerse,
In their dreamless slumber........
I wait for the playful shadows.......
Of the moonbeams, giggling at me.......
As I take resort,
In the quiet passions,
Of molding your silhouette
From bits of darkness........

And for one last time,
I graze the sheets beside me......
With my hopeful hands,
Waiting for your touch........
Praying for divinity to take over.......
For I know not why,
But my soul believes,
That I'll have you there someday.....

And when the herald of the morning,
Washes away my wishful sleep,
Your luring smile dawns on me.......
Ushering me into another infinity......
Where it is only love I see,
And await.....
Like a devout, for God......
For I know not why,
My little heart speaks,
Of emotions I leave unsaid.....
Of wishes spoken in whispers............

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