As the pictures decay......
The colours melt......
And mix with the flames.........
With them I lose,
My shrivelled happiness........
With them I erase,
The shimmering dreams........
The smoke, it brings to me,
Mon monde en blanc et noir........
The acrid smell,
Tingles my senses,
The hazy mirror levitating in air,
Yet playing the lewd leviathan......
Rubbing into my eyes sore........
Red streaks on white,
Redolent of my lost serenity.......
I dither about my power to let go........
Pieces of my mind,
Eaten by the inferno........
Words spoken and cherished,
Swallowed by the yellow tongues........
But the destined is done.........
The stars are amused and content,
As I wash my hands one last time,
With the remnants of my once loved soul,
With the ashes of my burnt memories.......