Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mincing Goodbyes...

Today, the morning is different.
The hoarse crow
And the distant rumble
Of construction
Remain constant.
The aromas of condiments
From my neighbours'
Still entice my hunger...
But the skies are awash
With ashes
Of a life, well-sung...

It seems like you've finally heard
Of my goodbyes.
The breeze tells me
You can't whisper one back...
...so you wish to sweep me off
In your torrential embrace...
And light up the wet crevices
Of my corridors,
With the lightning of your sighs...

Just so you know...
I can hear you cry...
As you incense my skin
Transforming your longing
Into goosebumps...
Just so you know
We must try to get by...
While I walk away
Leaving me behind...

(To my beloved city...)