Friday, November 13, 2009

The Last Breath....

The failing light
Of an exhausted day....
Illuminates that stairway,
She had taken to
For an unaccountable time.....
And now it is just the dying fire,
That shakes her numb,
Into conscious existence.....
For what that darkened passage
Leads to, is a misted illusion
She fears penetrating.....
That face, which adorned her happiness......
Those eyes, that reflected her love......
Wait for her presence,
In a heavy-lidded trance......
But the weight of obligation,
Suffocates her being.....
As she seals the door
Behind which crouch,
Paroxysms of timeless memories.....
For it is time...
To walk down that unnerving path....
And hold him in her arms.....
Taking in his last desire,
As he breathes into her
His last breath......


It takes a broken heart,
To hold together the shards
Of bruises in its confines.....
It takes a defeated spirit,
To stand up and attempt.....
Re- attempt to move on.....
It takes soaked eyes,
To build up the strength
To hold back tears......

It takes an aimless soul,
To wander through the ruins of life....
Looking for that goal,
Which illuminates the path ahead......
What but a haul of nightmares,
Can teach us the value,
Of the "sweet dreams"
Whispered by an unaware friend?
What but a quicksand
Of never ending cycles,
Can describe to you,
The necessity to hold on?

It may seem unforgiving,
That fate should drive you
On the rubble, conscious of the rough...
It may mighty be formidable....
To fathom the depth
At which life, in its whimsical ways,
Will stop playing cruel games at last.....
But what do you find,
When you open up the chaos of memories,
For your world to see?

You find how little
You attempted to give up....
You behold how you never
Assumed you should have stopped.....
You marvel at your identity
Of failing to bar your dreams.....
You count your rubble as blessings,
Your tears, a courage in your eye's gleam.....

For its this flotsam in the ocean,
You kept wishing got wasted away,
That held your sails high......
That kept your failures at bay......
So chance upon your life,
And let it lead your boat.....
Coz you never know,
What makes you survive
And keeps your hope afloat.....