The failing light
Of an exhausted day....
Illuminates that stairway,
She had taken to
For an unaccountable time.....
And now it is just the dying fire,
That shakes her numb,
Into conscious existence.....
For what that darkened passage
Leads to, is a misted illusion
She fears penetrating.....
That face, which adorned her happiness......
Those eyes, that reflected her love......
Wait for her presence,
In a heavy-lidded trance......
But the weight of obligation,
Suffocates her being.....
As she seals the door
Behind which crouch,
Paroxysms of timeless memories.....
For it is time...
To walk down that unnerving path....
And hold him in her arms.....
Taking in his last desire,
As he breathes into her
His last breath......