Monday, August 5, 2013

An ode to Her release....

For she was in love with the sky
Her heart at his feet
But head held high...

And as the music of the universe
Wrenched her soul to bits
She drank from the somnolent night

His brow shimmered under the stars
Her eyes filled with his smoke
But her mouth, ruthlessly dry...

In reminiscence, very little she spoke
For her hands had long a-frozen
Skimming his uncertain waters...

Yet as she went through the looking glass
To rescue her fate from his
She smiled in a whisper one last time...

And released him from the nooks
As he slipped off the rain-kissed leaf
And vapourized from her life...

Defeated though, she was in his musings
Perilously wrecked in the salvage
This indent her heart would fail to belie

That she would remain
On a perennial high...
That she would remain
In love with her sky....

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