Saturday, November 10, 2007

For The Love Of Nature...

A windy, rugged path in the woods
Littered with golden and brown....
The memories of the beautiful spring
Still scattered around
Like a haunting reminder of happiness.....
The hushed up trees
Merely rustling to voice their grief....
The song of the cuckoo
Silenced by the encroaching darkness....
The sun bids a serene adieu
As it immerses into the depths of the horizon....
The golden beauty of the limitless skies
Shadowed by the tyranny of night
All lives surrendering to the whimsical king
I stand there, merely an onlooker
A quiet spectator to the turmoil of nature.....
I see myself being mocked
I revel in the mystique of nature's expression
And nestle in its lap
My only solace....
I let loose my pain in the wild...
It dies away like the cuckoo's song
Thoughts wither off like those golden leaves
The bitterness dissolves in the darkness
And the silence quietens my aching soul
The rustling trees swallow my distress
As nature tries to pacify some human needs....
One creation bent upon the good of another
Each one,with its own bit of sacrifice
And I stop that falling tear....
I have to smile
For the love of nature....


Ritayan said...

You overwhelm have the subtlety i strive in vain for. you are a far better poet than i can dream of becoming, your talent makes me humble the way you talk of your life while talking about nature is amazing kudos

M. S. said...

If i have to compare your poetry to something, it can only be the beautiful nature itself . Like a long and winding road which leads to your destination , the words you choose resemble that path ...