Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thinking of You....

When I think of you
I think of conspiracies
Like Chinese whispers
Among constellations,
Until the moon decides
To call it a night....
When I think of you
The breeze chuckles
Through my hair...
I hear you smile
Uncannily close,
While I'm blindfolded
Groping, in an unworthy real...
You strike me sometimes,
An odd note
In a monotonous symphony...
Like I've jumped up 
From a dream,
And numbed back to a slumber....
The memory of your smell
Like a silhouette 
In an unyielding crowd,
Walking away...
An unanswered beckon....
And my feet, in a quicksand....
I seek you then
In poetry, threadbare...
Peeking through its blinds
For one fleeting glimpse....
You stand there, washed
By tender sunbeams
And I turn into gold
In your alchemy.... 

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