Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The Choice To Love

Below the inky blue darkness of the sky
She stares across the calm terrain
As if,visualizing her life in the scenery
Her glassy eyes speak of her trance
Her mind engrossed
In thoughts,
In dreams,
In desires,
Mingled with every emotion
The soothing breeze caresses her hair
Reminding her of her longing
The gentleness of the wind
Carries with it, a touch
A warm content in a moment's gaze
Filled with a growing affection
She smiles, and with such grace
As the glowing rose petals
In the wash of the moonlight
The silence of the night whispers in her ears
She listens to the voice of the heart
Her mind enjoying the tingling sensation
Of the melancholy music of the night
She senses her spirit pushing her on
To gather her courage
A courage to love
And for once,not crush her desires
But her mind sees another world
The night sky, so silent, so serene
Yet saddened by the timeless longing
To unite with its mirror,the sea
They gaze at each other for eternity
Wanting to cherish the love they have
For each other, through countless ages
Yet all they can do
Is live on,helplessly
Their desires hidden within themselves
"Is it so?"questions her heart
"Do the skies not meet their loving reflector
At the stretch of the horizon?
Do they not enjoy the privilege
Of having their beloved before them forever?
Does the sea not delight itself
With the pleasure of reflecting its love
On its own beautiful expanse?"
"Its a matter of vision",the girl finally decides
See from the eyes of rationale
And emotions seem immature
Yet look again, from the eyes of your heart
You have your desires fulfilled
Your love with you, in you
"Yes",she says, some soothing satisfaction
Enthralling her spirit
"I choose to live with my desires unfolded
And see my world through my heart"
"Yes",she says
"I choose to love....."


Ritayan said...

Surprising maturity in one so young...you amaze me..hats off...u r a fine writer and a lovely poet

Sam said...

writing poems is no easy task it takes unparalleled skill and peace of mind for the creative juices to flow.Writing such brilliant stuff at such a young age shows us ur maturity .....keep up the good work.:)

Impressionist said...

Lovely poem and wonderful blog apeksha!!
waitin to see more from urside!!

peace & love

Honeybee said...

Browsing from Ritayan's blog I landed in yours and couldn't resist leaving back a comment. Your poems are definitely an experience, Apeksha. Few poets have the power to take the reader on such wonder-rides.