Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Writer's Dream....

I often find myself,
In the middle of crowded crossroads.....
Misted by opinions,
And advices blown into my eyes....
So that I see,
What the world wants me to see.....
It is then that I decide,
To rub and open my eyes....
Its then that I choose,
To take my own direction....
But towers of obligations,
Try to seize my rights....
My right to be me...
Its then that I stand,
Up and against that,
Which binds me to compromise,
On my needs, my desires.....
When they say move aside,
I take my stand, not to defy,
But to make my point.....
It is as wrong to violate,
As it is to tolerate violation.....
When they ask me to keep low,
For the blindly respected beings.....
I raise my voice,
Not as an altercation,
But to criticize the loopholes of equality....
When they say, "Present your defence"
I take it as an offence,
That I must need statements,
To prove my identity.....
I'm sized by angry eyes.....
And hushed by sneering voices......
Pushed behind by hostile shoulders.....
So that the truth may be left to rot,
In the crevices of thick books......
But I will rise everytime I fall.......
I will speak for my voiceless comrades......
I will stand for that which is just.....
I will write, to move, to change.....
And one day the echoes,
Of my voice, my words
Will rejuvenate kindred souls
To fulfil, a writer's dream.......

1 comment:

Ritayan said...

"...I don't choose what i see of the world, I let the world choose to see me..."-Ruskin Bond.
nice strong work.i like the concept.