Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Something Never Meant To Be

As plain and simple as she was
She never thought it would happen
Her little heart fluttered
It skipped beats now and then
The soaring feeling of happiness
Butterflies in the stomach
And smiling thoughts
But through all this she never knew
She was thinking of something
That was never meant to be
Her eyes lay on various things
Yet that one thought
Always provoking her heart and mind
"I am not made for all this",she said
But her little eyes built up big dreams
Her subconscious emotions
Inciting the softest feeling
In her hard core personality
Yet through all this,she never knew
She was thinking of something
That was never meant to be
And when she finally accepts what has happened to her
The reality bumps with her dream filled world
An astonishing crash
Was that the noise
Of her little heart breaking?
With painful tears, she mourns
As she realizes
That she was thinking of something
That was never meant to be...

1 comment:

Ritayan said...

wonderful sis...u simply rock. that honestly touched a chord in my heart great going