Ringing in my ears...
The cool breeze ruffling my hair
Like the gentle caress of a mother...
The moon tries to warm my soul
With its passionately soft glow...
Yet the turmoil continues in the mind..
The heart writhes in pain...
I can't even cry...
Will the eyes allow me to?
I lie numb, like a corpse
Allowing myself to brood
Over the darkest side of me...
A twist, a turn
While I force myself to lose consciousness
But the mind rejects the calm...
Turning the pages of books
With the glassy blankness in the eyes...
Gazing out of the window in vain...
I fail to distract my thoughts...
I fail, to run away from them...
They victoriously haunt me...
And the world around looks cold, mirthless
Blanketing me with the fear of the unknown
Such a storm tormenting my existence...
Yet the night mocks at me with serenity...
Its time they smile, while I cry...
Its time, they rest in peace
Satisfied with the agony
Of my restless soul...
Another turn....sit up...and lie down...
I sigh, coz I can't scream
Yet again, I dwell in a phantasm
A night without dreams...
With the mind in a stupor
The choking emotions...
The silently killing, drowsy darkness...
Yet again....with a traumatized soul...
I lie...without sleep...